Can You Refill a Fire Extinguisher?

February 24, 2023

Fire extinguishers are essential to any home or office safety plan, but what happens when they run out of extinguishing agents? Are fire extinguishers refillable, or do you have to replace or recharge them?

Read on. We will answer those questions and provide tips for extending your fire extinguisher’s life!

What are Refillable Fire Extinguishers?

refilling Fire Extinguishers

Refillable fire extinguishers are the devices that are used to put out small fires. It is usually filled with water or another liquid, and it has a nozzle that can be used to direct the stream of liquid onto the fire.

Refillable fire extinguishers are often found in homes and businesses and can be beneficial as extinguishing agents.

However, it is essential to remember that they are not designed to be used on large fires and should only be used as a last resort.

How do you know if your fire extinguisher needs to be refilled?

a man using Fire Extinguishers

If you have a fire extinguisher that needs to be refilled, there are a few things you can do to tell.

  • First, check the pressure gauge on the side of the extinguisher. If it is below 75 PSI, then it needs to be refilled.
  • Second, check the expiration date on the bottom of the extinguisher. It needs to be replaced if it is more than 12 years old.
  • Finally, if the fire extinguisher has been used, it must be refilled.

If you are unsure whether or not your fire extinguisher needs to be refilled, you can always contact a trained professional for internal inspections and maintenance procedures.

How to Refill a Fire Extinguisher

There are three types of fire extinguishers: air-pressurized water, cartridge-operated water, and dry chemical.

Each class is different and must be refilled according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Air-Pressurized Water Extinguishers

These are the most common type of fire extinguishers. They use a compressed air tank to force water out of the extinguisher.

To refill an air-pressurized water extinguisher, you will need to:

  1. Drain the tank completely.
  2. Remove the dust cap from the filling valve.
  3. Attach a hose to the filling valve and open the valve.
  4. Fill the tank with water until it is complete.
  5. Close the valve and remove the hose.
  6. Replace the dust cap on the filling valve.

Cartridge-Operated Water Extinguishers

These are similar to air-pressurized water extinguishers but use a replaceable cartridge instead of a compressed air tank.

To refill a cartridge-operated water extinguisher, you will need to:

  1. Drain the extinguisher completely.
  2. Remove the discharge hose from the valve.
  3. Unscrew the empty cartridge from the valve.
  4. Screw a full cartridge into the valve.
  5. Replace the discharge hose on the valve.

Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers

These use a dry powder to extinguish fires.

To refill a dry chemical extinguisher, you will need to:

  1. Drain the extinguisher completely.
  2. Remove the discharge hose from the valve.
  3. Unscrew the empty cartridge from the valve.
  4. Screw a full cartridge into the valve.
  5. Replace the discharge hose on the valve.

Follow these steps to refill your fire extinguisher and be prepared for anything. For more information on fire safety, visit the National Fire Protection Association website.

Where to Go When You Need Your Fire Extinguisher Refilled?

place to refill Fire Extinguishers

There are a few places that you can go to have your fire extinguisher refilled.

Local Fire Department

They will usually have a list of places that you can go to get your fire extinguisher refilled.

Hardware Store

Some hardware stores will have the ability to refill fire extinguishers.


Check online to find a fire extinguisher refill service. This is an excellent option if you don’t have time to visit stores or fire departments.

When you are looking for a place to get your fire extinguisher refilled, it is vital to make sure that they are certified. This means they have the proper training and equipment to supply your fire extinguisher.

If you are unsure if a place is certified, you can always ask them for proof of certification.

Once you find a place to refill your fire extinguisher, it is crucial to follow the instructions on how to fill it correctly. This will ensure that your fire extinguisher is ready to use in the event of a fire.

Benefits of Having Refilled Fire Extinguishers

There are many benefits to having a refilled fire extinguisher, including:

  • Peace of mind knowing that you are prepared in case of an emergency
  • The ability to put out a small fire before it gets out of control
  • Confidence knowing that you can handle a fire if one were to start

Be sure to do a visual inspection for apparent damage and the expiration date on your extinguisher. Is it serviced by a professional fire extinguisher company if necessary for your fire safety?

They can do an internal inspection and leak test to identify if it requires refilling, recharging, or replacing your fire extinguisher.

The Differences Between Refilling and Recharging Fire Extinguishers

Refilling a fire extinguisher is the process of adding a new fire extinguishing agent to an extinguisher that has been emptied.

Recharging a fire extinguisher is adding a new fire extinguishing agent and pressuring the unit so that it will be operational again.

Both processes are highly recommended to be done by a trained professional.

How to Recharge Fire Extinguishers?

There are a few things you need to do to recharge your fire extinguishers. You will need to purchase some:

  • dry chemicals
  • a funnel
  • a charging hose
  • access to a water supply

For the process of recharging a fire extinguisher:

  1. The first thing you need to do is discharge the fire extinguisher completely.
  2. Next, you will need to remove the hose from the fire extinguisher. After that, you must fill the fire extinguisher with the dry chemical.
  3. Once the fire extinguisher is complete, you must put the hose back on and charge it with water.
  4. Finally, you will need to test the fire extinguisher to ensure it works correctly.

If you follow these steps, you should be able to recharge your fire extinguisher without any problems.

Where to Recharge a Fire Extinguisher?

There are a few places that you can go to get your fire extinguisher recharged. Depending on where you live, you may have a few different options. Here are a few places that you can check out:

  • Your local hardware store
  • A fire safety equipment store or fire extinguisher servicing company
  • The fire department

You can always check with your local fire department if you are unsure where to find a place to recharge your portable fire extinguishers. They should be able to point you in the right direction.

When you get your fire extinguishers recharged, take them to a reputable place. You want to ensure that your fire extinguisher is in good working condition if you ever need it.

What are Disposable Fire Extinguishers?

Disposable fire extinguishers are usually small, handheld devices that use a chemical or other extinguishing agent to put out fires. They are typically metal or plastic and have a trigger mechanism that releases the extinguishing agent.

Some models also have a pressure gauge that indicates how much extinguishing agent is left in the device.

It is typically used to extinguish small fires that start in wastebaskets or on cooking surfaces.

While disposable portable fire extinguishers are generally designed for single use, some models can be recharged and reused.

Rechargeable fire extinguishers typically have a larger capacity than disposable units and may be more effective at extinguishing larger fires.

However, they also typically cost more than disposable units.

When to Replace or Recharge Fire Extinguishers

If you’re unsure whether your fire extinguisher needs to be replaced or recharged, there are a few things you can look for.

First, check the gauge on the side of the extinguisher.

  • The extinguisher is still charged and ready to use if it’s in the green zone.
  • If it’s in the red zone, the extinguisher must be recharged.

Second, check the expiration date on the extinguisher. If it’s expired, you’ll need to replace it.

Finally, if the fire extinguisher has been used, even if only partially, you’ll need to replace it.

If your fire extinguisher is low on pressure or has expired, you can usually have it recharged or replaced for free at fire departments.

It’s essential to keep your fire extinguisher in good working order so that you’re prepared in case of a fire. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your fire extinguisher is always ready to use.

Alex Bradley

Written by

Alex Bradley

Multitasking guru who’s not just wrangling words as a witty blogger, but also juggling the roles of a husband, dad, and dutiful son to an age-defying parent. With a keyboard in one hand and a toolbox of tech gadgets in the other, Alex weaves playful blog posts that crack open the world of senior-friendly gizmos. Drawing inspiration from his family adventures and late-night “Eureka!” moments, his posts are your compass to navigate the realm of safety-enhancing and smile-inducing devices for the golden-aged generation.