How to Detect and Remove Hidden Cameras from Your Home

February 24, 2023

Do you ever feel like someone is watching you? Well, they might be. If you suspect someone has installed a hidden camera in your home, there are ways to detect and remove them.

In this blog article, we’ll go through how to discover hidden cameras in your house and what to do if you spot one.

Common Hiding Places for Indoor Cameras

It’s essential to be aware of where these hidden cameras could be so that you can avoid being spied on in your own home. Here are the top ten places that indoor cameras are commonly hidden:

In a flower pot

This is a popular hiding place for small, wireless cameras. The camera will be well-camouflaged and almost impossible to spot.

Above a doorway

Cameras can be mounted on the ceiling above a doorway, giving them a clear view of anyone who enters the room.

In a smoke detector

Smoke detectors are another common hiding place for indoor cameras. The camera will be small and unobtrusive, making it difficult to spot.

In a clock

Clocks are a popular hiding place for indoor cameras because they are often small and easy to conceal.

On a bookshelf

Cameras can be placed on a bookshelf, giving them a clear view of the room.

In a picture frame

Picture frames are another common hiding place for indoor cameras. The camera will be small and unobtrusive, making it difficult to spot.

On a windowsill

Cameras can be placed on a windowsill, giving them a clear view of the room.

In a potted plant

Potted plants are a popular hiding place for indoor cameras because they are often small and easy to conceal.

On top of a door

Cameras can be placed on top of a door, giving them a clear view of the room.

These are just some of the most common places where indoor cameras are hidden. If you suspect that there may be a camera in your home, it’s essential to check all of these places. By being aware of the most common hiding places for indoor cameras, you can help to protect your privacy.

How to Spot Hidden Cameras 

There are a few ways to look for hidden cameras in your home. You can hire a professional to sweep your home for electronic devices or take a more DIY approach and search for suspicious devices.

If you’re going to try and find hidden cameras on your own, there are a few things you should look for.

Unusual holes and objects

First, see if there are any small holes in walls or other objects that could be housing a camera.

Check wires

Next, check for strange wires running through your home, as these could be connected to hidden cameras.

Use flashlight

Another way to detect hidden cameras is by using a flashlight and shining it around the room you suspect might have a camera. If you see a small reflection off of a lens, that’s a good indication that there might be a hidden camera in the area.

Use cellphone

You can also try and use your phone’s camera or hidden camera detector app to find spy cameras. Most phones have a built-in infrared light sensor to pick up hidden spy cameras. Simply open the camera app on your phone and point it around the room. If you see a bright spot on your screen, that could be the camera lens of a spy camera.

Hire a professional

If you’re still unsure whether or not there are hidden cameras in your home, you can always hire a professional to sweep your home for electronic devices. This is generally the most foolproof way to find hidden cameras, as they will have the proper equipment such as a spy hidden camera detector and listening devices to catch even the most hidden cameras.

Spotting hidden surveillance cameras in your home don’t have to be a daunting task. Following these simple tips can give you some peace of mind and ensure your home is safe from prying eyes.

What to Do After Detecting a Hidden Camera?

If you find a hidden camera in your home, don’t panic. There are a few steps you can take to deal with the situation.

  1. First, try to determine who placed the camera there and why.
  2. If you think it was placed there for malicious reasons, contact the police.
  3. Otherwise, you may want to confront the person who placed the camera there.
  4. Finally, take steps to secure your home to prevent future incidents.


After you have finished sweeping your home for secret cameras, it is important to take preventative measures to ensure they do not come back.

First, consider investing in a quality home security system. This will deter potential burglars and intruders and give you peace of mind knowing that your home is being monitored.

Additionally, keep an eye out for any suspicious activity in your neighborhood. Do not hesitate to contact the authorities if you see anything out of the ordinary. By taking these simple steps, you can help protect yourself and your family from hidden camera invasion.

If you have been a victim of a hidden camera invasion, you must contact the police immediately. Additionally, you may want to consider filing a restraining order against the individual who placed the cameras in your home. Legal action can help ensure that this person is held accountable for their actions and deter them from invading your privacy again.

Remember, you have the right to live in a safe, secure home free from hidden cameras. Do not hesitate to take any necessary steps to protect yourself and your family.

If you have questions or concerns about hidden cameras in your home, speak with a professional security consultant. They can help assess your situation and recommend the best action to take. With their help, you can ensure your home is safe and secure from hidden camera invasion.

Alex Bradley

Written by

Alex Bradley

Multitasking guru who’s not just wrangling words as a witty blogger, but also juggling the roles of a husband, dad, and dutiful son to an age-defying parent. With a keyboard in one hand and a toolbox of tech gadgets in the other, Alex weaves playful blog posts that crack open the world of senior-friendly gizmos. Drawing inspiration from his family adventures and late-night “Eureka!” moments, his posts are your compass to navigate the realm of safety-enhancing and smile-inducing devices for the golden-aged generation.