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Our mission is primarily to provide valuable information to our visitors, and making money from these initiatives is a secondary activity but this website is a for-profit business and as such if we have an opportunity to recommend the same product and receive an affiliate commission that will be preferred. This disclosure is present to make that 100% clear to our visitors.

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Alex Bradley

Written by

Alex Bradley

Multitasking guru who’s not just wrangling words as a witty blogger, but also juggling the roles of a husband, dad, and dutiful son to an age-defying parent. With a keyboard in one hand and a toolbox of tech gadgets in the other, Alex weaves playful blog posts that crack open the world of senior-friendly gizmos. Drawing inspiration from his family adventures and late-night “Eureka!” moments, his posts are your compass to navigate the realm of safety-enhancing and smile-inducing devices for the golden-aged generation.