What is the Hardest Home Safe to Break Into?

August 4, 2023

Think you have a top-of-the-line home security system? Think again. Even the most sophisticated security system can be easily circumvented by a determined thief.

If you’re looking to protect your most prized possessions, you need to install a home safe that is difficult to break into. But what is the hardest home safe to break into? Read on to find out.

A Few Factors to Consider in Choosing Best Home Safe

There are a lot of different types of home safes on the market, and they all have their unique features and benefits. But when it comes to finding the hardest home safe to break into, there are only a few factors you need to consider.

1. Size

different size of home safe

The first is the size of the safe. The larger the safe, the harder it will be to break into. This is because the larger the safe, the more space there is for the thieves to work with. They will have more time to figure out how to get past the locks and security features, and they will also have more room to store their tools and equipment.

2. Material

The second factor is the type of material the safe is made out of. The stronger the material, the harder it will be to break into the safe. This is because the thieves will have a harder time breaking through the material, and they will also have a harder time getting past the security features.

3. Location

safe in a hidden location

The third factor is the location of the safe. If the safe is in a difficult-to-reach location, it will be harder for the thieves to get to it. This is because they will have to climb over obstacles or go through tight spaces to reach the safe.

4. Security Features

The fourth factor is the security features of the safe. The more advanced the security features, the harder it will be to break into the safe. This is because the thieves will have to figure out how to bypass the security features, and they will also have to deal with the alarm system.

5. Lock

The fifth factor is the type of lock on the safe. The more complex the lock, the harder it will be to break into the safe. This is because the thieves will have to figure out how to pick the lock, and they will also have to deal with the alarm system.

If you want to find the hardest home safe to break into, you need to consider all of these factors. Make sure you choose a safe that is large enough to deter thieves, made out of strong material, in a difficult-to-reach location, and has advanced security features. You should also choose a safe that has a complex lock. By following these tips, you will be able to find the hardest home safe to break into.

Different Types of Home Safes

Now, that we know the factors when considering a home safe, there are several types of home safes that you can choose from as well, depending on your needs. Here are a few of the most popular options:

Burglary safe

thief breaking into safe

This type of safe is designed to protect your valuables from thieves. It is usually made from heavy-duty materials and has a robust locking system.


home safe burnt in fire
safe burnt in fire

This type of safe is designed to protect your valuables from fire damage. It is usually made from heat-resistant materials and has a special fire-resistant lining.

Gun safe

guns stored in a gun safe

This type of safe is designed to store firearms securely. It is usually made from steel or other heavy-duty materials and has a locking system to prevent unauthorized access.

Deposit safe

documents in a safe

This type of safe is designed for businesses to store cash and other valuables. It is usually made from steel or other heavy-duty materials and has a robust locking system.

Which type of home safe is right for you will depend on your specific needs. But whichever type you choose, make sure it is well-made and has a robust locking system to keep your valuables safe.

Can burglars break into home safes?

burglars breaking into safe house

According to the FBI, home safes are one of the most popular targets for burglars. Home safes are often the first place that a burglar will look for valuables. 

The following are some examples of real-life situations where burglars have broken into home safes:

In 2012, a burglar in California made off with $500,000 in cash and jewelry after breaking into a home safe. The homeowner had recently installed the safe and had not yet had time to change the combination.

In 2013, a burglar in Texas used a power drill to break into a home safe and steal $30,000 in cash and jewelry. The homeowners were away on vacation at the time of the break-in.

In 2014, a burglar in Florida broke into a home safe and stole $40,000 in cash and jewelry. The homeowners were away on vacation at the time of the break-in.

So, yes! Burglars can break into safes. However, it is still not an easy task. Safes are designed to keep valuables safe from theft and burglary. Plus, most safes are much heavier than they look, making them difficult to carry off.

Though home safes can deter casual thieves, they are no match for a determined burglar with the right tools and knowledge.

How easy is it to break into a home safe?

Home safes are designed to keep your valuables safe from theft and burglary, but how easy are they to break into? Here are some of the most common ways that burglars can break into them.

Most home safes use a combination lock to keep their contents secure. The typical combination lock has three dials, each with a different number of teeth. To open the safe, you need to line up the three numbers so that they match the numbers on the dials.

Burglars can break into home safes by picking the lock, using a power drill, or even breaking through the wall or floor that the safe is bolted to.

Picking the lock is the most common way that burglars break into home safes. To pick a lock, a burglar will use a tension wrench to apply pressure to the dial while using a pick set to try to line up the correct numbers. This can be a difficult process, and it often takes burglars several minutes to break into a home safe using this method.

Using a power drill is another common way that burglars break into home safes. To drill into a safe, a burglar will first locate the dials on the front of the safe. Once the dials are located, the burglar will drill through the center of each dial, making sure not to drill through the numbers. This will disable the locking mechanism and allow the burglar to open the safe.

Breaking through the wall or floor that the safe is bolted to is another way that burglars can break into home safes. This method requires more force than picking the lock or drilling into the safe, but it can be successful if the burglar has the right tools.

The best way to protect your home safe from burglars is to bolt it to the floor or wall. This will make it more difficult for burglars to break into your home safe and will also deter them from trying. You should also consider investing in a home safe that has a thicker steel body and extra security features, such as a deadbolt lock.

Additional Tips in Securing a Home Safe

There are different ways you can secure your home safe. One way is to use a combination lock. Another way is to use a keypad entry system. You can also use biometric security, which uses your fingerprint to unlock the safe. 

If you are using a combination lock, make sure that you do not use a simple 4-digit code. This can be easily guessed by burglars. Instead, use a long code that is difficult to guess. You should also change the code regularly to ensure that your home safe is secure.

If you are using a keypad entry system, make sure that you use a random code. Do not use your birth date or your anniversary as the code, as this can be easily guessed by burglars. Change the code regularly to ensure that your home safe is secure.

Biometric security is one of the most secure methods of securing your home safe. This uses your fingerprint to unlock the safe. This means that only you can access the safe, and burglars can’t guess your code.

Whatever method you choose to secure your home safe, make sure that you change the codes regularly to ensure its security.


It is clear that the hardest home safe to break into is the one that is best protected. This means that it is important to choose a safe that has been designed with security in mind. There are many different types of safes on the market, so it is important to do some research before making a purchase. 

A good home safe should be made of sturdy materials and have a number of security features. It is also important to choose a safe that is the right size for your needs. A small safe may not be able to protect all of your valuables, while a large safe may be more difficult to break into. Ultimately, the best way to protect your belongings is to choose a safe that is both secure and practical.

Alex Bradley

Written by

Alex Bradley

Multitasking guru who’s not just wrangling words as a witty blogger, but also juggling the roles of a husband, dad, and dutiful son to an age-defying parent. With a keyboard in one hand and a toolbox of tech gadgets in the other, Alex weaves playful blog posts that crack open the world of senior-friendly gizmos. Drawing inspiration from his family adventures and late-night “Eureka!” moments, his posts are your compass to navigate the realm of safety-enhancing and smile-inducing devices for the golden-aged generation.